Move on

My brothers and sisters, let us take no delight in past pleasures, and avoid being captivated by things of the present. Let us not act like a stubborn snake that stops its ears with its tail.

Let nothing of the past prevent us from listening, and let no present things hinder us from giving thought to the future. Move on to what lies ahead.

— St. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 66, 10

The last time I posted, I was talking about persevering in running the race and getting beyond the turning point both on a physical and spiritual level. This morning, I read the above passage in a devotional book we have called Augustine Day by Day, which fits well with the theme of running and the spiritual life.

My wife and I yesterday outlined a plan by which we will get up as much possible, and as much as her job schedule will allow, at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday to get out the door to exercise. I will go for a run; she, a walk, but the point is that we will be motivating each other. The plan is to start tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14, because we had friends, Joe and Soyoung, visiting from South Korea today.

Physically, this will involve for me getting to bed earlier than I have been, and primarily not “blipping” (similar to Twittering but with music). Spiritually, it also will help me to get up to do my Morning Prayer right after my run. Mentally, of course, the run and the prayer will prepare me for my day.

It is time as St. Augustine said to “move on to what lies ahead.”

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